What is 1 characteristic that differentiates a superb leader from a great leader?

Marvin Powell:  Great leaders will always make engagement a part of their leadership DNA.  As their own levels of enthusiasm, dedication, and caring increase, so does the performance and satisfaction of their teams.

Alexis Fink: Influence

Karan Ferrell-Rhodes: Agility to adapt.  Superb leaders are able to adapt both their leadership style and strategies, based upon the people and environment they are trying to influence.

Out of the 7 leadership competencies which provide differentiating value, of ch are the top 2 that are the most critical for a highly effective, superb leader?

–  Intrapreneurship (builds the organization by developing or improving products or services)
–  Courageous Agility (having the fortitude to take calculated risks even when the consequences and/or future is unclear)


–  Strategic Thinking & Decision Making (ability to make good decisions or lead a good decision making process based on top strategic goals and priorities)
–  Courageous Agility


–  Intellectual Horsepower (functional skills and knowledge in areas of personal expertise)
–  Strategic Thinking & Decision Making

What’s the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?

Marvin:  If you are feeling bad about yourself just go help someone else and everything will work out. That’s where I began to develop a real orientation for service.

Alexis: Always take the high road!

Karan: You have to be at the table to play the game.

What profession did you want to be when you were 6?

Marvin:  At 6, I guess that I wanted to be a scientist or engineer. I was very much a tinkerer that loved to break things apart to see how they worked.

Alexis: A pilot

Karan: A veterinarian

Who would you love to dress up as for Halloween?

Marvin:  I don’t really embrace the Halloween thing but I really appreciate the attitude and values that Erving “Magic” Johnson has shown in everything that he does.

Alexis: Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Karan: A Flapper from the Roaring 20’s era or Michelle Obama


Special thanks to this month’s contributors:


Marvin Powell is the founder of Coach Powell Training and Development in Centreville, Virginia




Alexis Fink is the General Manager-Talent Intelligence Analytics at Intel in Portland, Oregon.



Your Host of Pow-wows + Perspectives:  Karan Ferrell-Rhodes


Karan Rhodes

Karan is the CEO of Shockingly Different Leadership in Atlanta, Georgia

P.S.  Let us know what questions or topics you would like us to address in the future.