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Frequently Asked Questions

What type of project opportunities do you support?
Answer:  We support Talent Development, Human Resources, and Org Effectiveness initiatives.
-Project Based
-Interim Coverage, due to occurrences such as personal leaves, restructuring, etc.
-Customized Programs or Solutions

How do you assign your experts to project opportunities?
Answer: Our consultants are tenured members of our team who’ve been assigned to numerous previous engagements. Prior to any new project engagement, we first develop a comprehensive understanding of the objectives of our client.  Then we select the top 2-3 experts in our consultant pool, to confirm their interest and true fit. We then present our prospective clients with a curated short-list of our staff who are ready, qualified, and excited to collaborate on your scope of work.

What fees does SDL charge?
Answer: We do not charge any service fees.  Who wants those?  You should only pay a fair amount for the work we provide. We function similar to most company vendors who partner with organizations. When you meet with us, we will jointly discuss your project budget and SDL will send you a proposal for the scope of work. All payments are processed through SDL and are equal to the agreed upon project cost. We pay our consultants directly.

Why should I use SDL for my people-related contract needs?
Answer: Great question!  We’re here to earn your business. Top talent is critical to any business’s success and we’re proud to be your potential co-collaborators. We deliver execution-ready, vetted, high quality experts that fit within your budget and allow you to focus on best next steps.

How do I pay SDL?
Answer: Once a contract is agreed upon and signed by all parties, you select your desired form of payment. A purchase order may be opened or payments may be securely made to SDL via check or credit card.

Does all talent work remotely?
Answer: It’s your call. When a company provides us with their talent needs, they can specify if the work is primarily in office, remote or a combination of the two.

Am I able to have the talent sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before getting started on my project or assignment?
Answer: You better believe it!  They have already signed one with SDL, but we can have them sign your organization’s as well.

What geographies do you serve?
Answer: We are a global firm who support clients in all geographies.

I am a consultant who would like to work for SDL. How can I join the team?

Answer:  We would be happy to review your credentials.  Please know that we are not a placement agency who accepts resumes from thousands of interested parties.

SDL’s differentiating value to our clients is in offering skilled, contract talent who have a proven work history with SDL.  If you would like to learn more about how to be considered for our expert team, please click here.