Shockingly Different Leadership CEO, Karan Ferrell-Rhodes, was recently a podcast guest on Transformational Truths, hosted by Pastor Travis Hall.

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SDL Press Team
I want to thank the brilliant Pastor Travis Hall for inviting me to appear on his podcast, Transformational Truths!
Summary of podcast episode:
Join Pastor Travis Hall and guest Karan Rhodes as they talk about the many banes of being a leader. For Karan, the reasons why most leaders fear failure lies on issues with self-validity and the sense of belongingness. Ever since ancient times, the concept of success is brought by survival and being adept at the many things that compose daily life. Not delivering in any of these is seen as a failure –a concept that most leaders need to settle with. To beat this limiting belief, leaders must learn how to present themselves with disclaimers and be OK with the fact that they are bound to fail, have a mistake, and require their people’s help!
In this episode you will learn:
- How leaders wrestle with the fear of failure.
- How people normally cope in unhealthy ways.
- The importance of being vulnerable and open to those you lead.
- Why it’s OK that you’re not always perfect and OK.
- What leaders need to let go of.
Check out the episode on Apple Podcasts.