The art of pivoting is critical; complacency can spell the end of your relevance in the fast-paced business world. As we continue to adapt to the shifting sands of business, we know that the key to staying ahead of the curve is to embrace change and move forward with courage and creativity.

Throughout this conversation, we cover a wide range of topics relating to leadership and wellness with Dr. Kristy Harvell, Chiropractor and the founder of Health by Design, a holistic health service that focuses on providing people compassionate care in a healing and approachable environment, enabling them to experience freedom from the bodily distraction of discomfort and stress.

Dr. Kristy Harvell is a wellness Chiropractor focusing on Clinical Nutrition and has been helping people for nearly 20 years. She graduated in the Phi Chi Omega Honor Society, Cum Laude in December, 2003 with certification in COX Flexion/Distraction technique. By February 2004, Dr. Kristy started seeing patients at her first practice in Penfield, NY.

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  1. The importance of being able to pivot and how to prevent becoming obsolete.
  2. Kristy’s Webinar on how to conquer stress, brain fog, and fatigue.
  3. Becoming the best leader in your organization.
  4. How to integrate self-care into your daily life.
  5. The value of celebrating wins and victories.

“Always be open to continued learning.”

- Dr. Tracy Harvell


  • [01:16] Dr. Kristy’s Background, how she discovered her career path, and the twists and turns that shaped her career.
  • [11:17] How to define self-care and block out time for yourself.
  • [16:14] Dr. Kristy mentions what it takes for her to be the best leader in her organization.
  • [19:45] How you can develop an understanding of your own personality and integrate your most effective practices into your schedule.
  • [22:33] Dr. Kristy’s entry to the LATTOYG Playbook: shares her tips for staying relevant and up-to-date within your leadership role.
  • [25:42] Strategies and actions the most influential leaders put into practice and one of the significant instances of leadership shortcomings that Kristy has encountered.
  • [32:47] Karan describes the most effective method she has witnessed for managing the battle for talent in leadership.
  • [38:17] Signature Segment Karan’s Take


Dr. Kristy is a wellness Chiropractor focusing on Clinical Nutrition and has been helping people for nearly 20 years. She graduated in the Phi Chi Omega Honor Society, Cum Laude in December 2003 with certification in COX Flexion/Distraction technique. By February 2004, Dr. Kristy started seeing patients at her first practice in Penfield, NY.

Dr. Kristy works with patients from all walks of life to provide natural, sustainable pain relief and preventative care. She believes that the cure to many sources of chronic pain doesn’t lay in addictive substances or expensive surgeries, but in chiropractic and nutrition care. One of her guiding principles is a quote from Thomas Edison, “The Doctor of the Future will not Treat the Body with Medication but Rather with Diet and in the Cause and Prevention of Disease.”




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This podcast episode is sponsored by NOTABLE, a private network for high-achieving, advanced-level leaders who are not yet in the C-Suite (Director/GM+).

NOTABLE supports those leaders desiring to sharpen their leadership acumen, increase their network of strategic supporters and expand their capability for roles of broader scope and responsibility.

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Episode 20| When Healthcare Replaces Sickcare with Dr. Kristy Harvell

Dr. Kristy Harvell  00:00

I’d like to say this now looking back, it doesn’t matter whether you live in the north or the south or you’re in the cold or the sun or whatever, and what we found is that Americans in general are struggling with this same chronic health conditions regardless of where we’re from.


Voiceover  00:20

Welcome to the “Lead at the Top of Your Game” podcast, where we equip you to more effectively lead your seat at any employer, business, or industry in which you choose to play. Each week, we help you sharpen your leadership acumen by cracking open the playbooks of dynamic leaders who are doing big things in their professional endeavors. And now, your host, leadership tactics, and organizational development expert, Karan Ferrell-Rhodes.


Karan Rhodes  00:57

Hey there superstars This is Karen and welcome to today’s episode. You know, I’ve been fortunate to not yet have had to require the services of a chiropractor, but I have had many friends who have but they report mixed results. They frequently talk about the pain, the medication and the joint readjustments that occur, much of which to be honest with you makes me shudder and queasy. But on today’s show, we’re very pleased to feature Dr. Christy Harville, who is the CEO of health by design, a wellness chiropractor leader who also focuses on clinical nutrition. She is passionate about applying true health care rather than sick care to create changes in a person’s health. And Dr. Christie works with patients from all walks of life to provide natural sustainable pain relief and preventative care. She is absolutely fantastic and wonderful. You know, she also believes that the cure to many sources of chronic pain doesn’t lay in addictive substances or expensive surgeries. But in chiropractic and nutritional care, I know you’re going to enjoy her insights as I did. So be sure to listen to the entire episode. And then stay tuned for my closing segment called Karen steak, where I share a tip on how to use insights from today’s episode to further sharpen your leadership acumen. And now enjoy the show. Hi, there, superstars. This is Karen and welcome to today’s episode of the elite at the top of your game podcast. I hope you are ready for a truly dynamic episode. It’s a little bit different, but still provides a lot of information that is very important to you all as leaders. I am so pleased to have on today’s show, Dr. Christy Harville, who’s the founder of health by design, which is a wellness center that is focused on a variety of health interventions. And I’m gonna let her tell a little bit more about that in just a second. So I don’t characterize it wrong. But welcome to the podcast. Dr. Christie, we’re so happy to have you.


Dr. Kristy Harvell  03:08

Hi, thank you so much for having me. I’m glad to be here. Awesome.


Karan Rhodes  03:13

Well, we’re truly excited for you to give us a sneak peek into your own leadership playbook and how that has really helped to drive your personal and professional careers. So before we jump into that, I would love for you to share as much as you feel comfortable, a little bit about your background, maybe where you were born, where you grew up, as well. And then just a sneak peek into your professional life thus far. Well, I’m


Dr. Kristy Harvell  03:39

from upstate New York, I’m from the Finger Lakes. Now I live in sunny Jacksonville, Florida. So you know, it did the thing that most people want to do and get out of the cold weather and everything. But I’ve been self-employed for 20 years. And that’s since I graduated from chiropractic school. So like I never went to work for another doctor. I just was like, I’m doing this. That’s kind of my personality anyway. And I think like I was maybe fortunate and maybe a rare case like that. I knew my career path. Like since middle school, like I always knew I wanted to be a doctor of some sort. And then I found this whole like alternative thing along the way. And, you know, with bends and twists in the roads kind of followed my passions and everything. But as far as you know, growing up in upstate New York, it was great. I had a dad who was in corporate America and I think he really shaped you know, my go-getter personality and really, like breathe a lot into meat that I could pursue whatever I you know, desired. And he really like kind of pushed me along and was always super supportive. But when I went to chiropractic school, like they don’t teach you a whole lot about running a business or being a business owner or an entrepreneur, you know, and so I had to figure that out as I went along. And luckily I’ve been really good at it. it, but I practiced, I had a wellness practice in upstate New York and Rochester, New York for 12 and a half years. And then we moved to Jacksonville for my husband’s career almost eight years ago now. And it’s kind of a cool thing, because as far as my professional story, I got to start over again, I got to recreate myself in my practice, and really reflect on what I love what worked, what didn’t work, or you could scrap there wasn’t any excess, and just build it better and, you know, bigger and better. And what we’ll share, you know, I’m sure through the podcast is it was like, almost like an overnight success because of applying what we already knew.


Karan Rhodes  05:39

Oh, that’s amazing. Yes, I definitely want to unpack the layers of that onion on that transition you had. And I think that it’s it was really insightful, you sharing that you kind of knew what bucket of the umbrella of career that you wanted to be in at all times. But you still kept yourself open to pivots and specializations as you went along the way. So I think that is very astute of you as a young person, and you’re still very young, but as a young person, which is really, really cool. And one of the reasons why I definitely wanted to feature you on the podcast is that a lot of our audience are leaders that are within corporate America or leaders that are similar to you are leading their business efforts as well. But as anyone knows, it’s a balancing act, being able to put your best self forward, you got to have your health, right. And that is an area that a lot of us really don’t talk about that much except with our intimate family. And I wanted to be sure to let folks know kind of what your practice does. And you know how you look at the holistic person, as you all decide alternatives. So I know that’s a lot. But let’s start with how you transitioned what your former business look like to where it is now. And then I’d love to hear a little bit more how you approach, say, new patients as they’re trying to really navigate through what’s going on with their bodies.


Dr. Kristy Harvell  07:07

Yeah, so it was fun, because I like to say this now, like looking back, it doesn’t matter whether you live in the north or the south, or you’re in the cold or the sun or whatever like and what we found is like, Americans, in general, are struggling with this same chronic health conditions, regardless of where we’re from. And it doesn’t matter if you’re a small business owner, and you’re in corporate America, or you work for somebody else. And what’s really interesting is, it all revolves around stress. So that might be a trigger


Karan Rhodes  07:39

trigger, where it says, Yes, that’s what I need to


Dr. Kristy Harvell  07:42

Yeah, and so like, over the course of 20 years in practice, like I’ve called myself now, the stress expert, because what traditional medicine tells us is that 90% of all diseases and disorders are stress related. However, what I found is that in traditional medicine, they don’t have an awesome way of dealing with stress to be preventative and to spend enough time educating the patient and holding them accountable to make new habits and lifestyle changes. And so that’s really what we focus on in our practice, regardless of what a patient like walk in the door for.

And then we’ve actually adopted technology called heart rate variability that measures somebody’s stress, it gives them the stress age, and it’s kind of a wow factor. Because it’s an interesting thing like most people really underestimate the amount of stress that their body is under because I think there’s a I have a lot of theories of why that is, of course, you know, but I don’t know if it’s just become a cultural thing. Like it’s become a norm if it’s because we’re just comparing ourselves to the next stressed out person, or we’re like, you know, maybe like, well, I’m doing my thing, and I’m fine. And I can get through my day and all it made the body’s like screaming and sending some messages that helped me over here.

Yeah, timeout time. Yeah. push past it, you know what I mean. And then another reason, just physiologically is like the body can adapt to high low, low stress for really long periods of time. And so there isn’t really a great gas gauge or, you know, like switch or anything on the surface of the body that tells us when it’s too much, and until sometimes, like it’s a big red flag, like a big call to action or something scary or like a big health crisis. And of course, being an alternative medicine, like we know, people have a lot more choices as far as natural medicine or seeing somebody like I do without the heroics of modern medicine, the earlier we intervene and so you know, we really teaching proactive and preventative care.


Karan Rhodes  09:50

I love that. And is that where the primary area of your practices now has that is that what was the big change was the be a lot more prayer? Proactiv, what resonated with when you made the Jacksonville but kind of the new focus what resonated with your new clients, if you will, to bring them in?


Dr. Kristy Harvell  10:11

Well, I think it was interesting. So my first degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic. And so in my first practice in New York, I applied chiropractic first, you know, I’ve marketed and advertised, I’m a Doctor of Chiropractic. And then as years went on, I’ve gotten all these additional certifications, and training and nutrition and kinesiology and functional medicine. I’m a nerd, and that’s one of my little principles of success is always be open to continued learning, you know, like, don’t be closed off that, you know, at all, you’re going to, you know, and what I found is like, as more patients came in, they came in with more complicated things. And I had to add to my arsenal into my toolbox. But when I came here, I find that when you introduce yourself, like getting networking, you know, imagine like, I’m starting over, I know nobody. So like, like, Hi, I’m Dr. Kristy, I decided that I was not going to introduce myself as a chiropractor, I decided that I was going to introduce myself as a wellness doctor. And I was going to market the nutritional side of my practice because that leaves the conversation open.

Most people, I’m like, Hey, I’m a chiropractor, and they’re like, Oh, I’ve never needed one. And I’m like, Well, how do you know that? You know, and again, because I don’t want want to wait until somebody’s in a car accident, or has a major trauma, and is radiating pain and has a weakness in the limb to go in there and work on them. And I know that chiropractic philosophy is very much, you know, holistic, meant to be a health care all in itself, and that we treat the nervous system, not just neck pain, back pain, and headaches. And so I just wanted to keep the conversation open. And so here in Jacksonville, I started with a nutrition practice. And now I adjust people as needed. But when I’m adjusting them, their body holds the alignment better, because they’re well nourished, I’ve taken care of their inflammation, we’ve gotten some of the stress managed and under control. And so people like me better because I don’t have to see them as often. And it’s less expensive, you know?


Karan Rhodes  12:13

That’s right. I love that pivot that you made. Because I don’t think and I’m not in your business. So tell me if I’m wrong. I don’t think no, of many chiropractors had led with I’m a wellness expert specialist, because it may be they have. But what appeals to me about that is that, like you said it, it lays the groundwork and opens the door for the second and third conversation, right, because I think all of us in some way, shape or form are dealing with something and wellness, whether it’s you know, mental wellness or something physical or something that wellness is such a big category. And I think it invites the conversation, I’m sure out of that conversation, you can zone in on who you let started nutrition, but then, you know, we’re gonna probably uncover other areas that we may want to concentrate on. But we could decide together, right?


Dr. Kristy Harvell  13:06

Yeah, absolutely. And it allows for a much more individualized approach, instead of a cookie cutter, like everybody in the door gets the same thing. You know, it’s not a recipe book. It’s not cookie-cutter. Yeah.


Karan Rhodes  13:19

And, you know, a lot of our audience listeners are in the corporate world, both in America and around the globe. But they’re usually leaders within a corporate type of structure, which has a lot of, as you know, a lot of stress, a lot of time pressures, a lot of office politics and office dynamics that they’re having to navigate through. And it just with our coaching clients, we’re seeing where that stress is contributing to a lot of physical and mental strain and impact. It carries into their whole, you know, mind bodies and soul. Oh, yeah,


Dr. Kristy Harvell  13:56

actually, I’m gonna share our teaser and I’m not doing it to promote it. But I think this will be a good like catchphrase for your audience, including what we named our webinar, which is on stress is how to conquer stress, brain fog and fatigue and find your calm, collected most productive and highest self, because those are total opposites. Right? Right. That’s what we find that people are really dealing with. When you drill down into this whole week stress. It’s really impacting their ability to be clear and focused and productive.

You know, maybe people like myself, this happened to me, it was part of my story. I am self-employed, right? So I’m like, oh, yeah, I can make my own schedule, want to do what I want and I don’t have to answer to anybody. And that all sounded really good. But what most people know whether you’re in corporate self-employed and entrepreneurs, that just means you’d never, you’d never end right like I’m home on Friday or on a Sunday or at 10 pm I and I think people it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, because there’s no boundaries anymore with technology, we’re accessible all the time. And I think people have to put themselves first and prioritize self-care and kind of draw a line in the sand so that they aren’t just accepting that maybe brain fog and irritability and being short with their families, and having no energy left, you know, no reserves in the tank, at the end of the day for anything more, that’s not a normal and you can’t go on like that forever.


Karan Rhodes  15:29

You can’t, you’re so right. And, you know, I’ve spent over 20 years in corporate America and dealt, you know, all the way up to the executive ranks. And what I would say focus on his work-life integration, I don’t think there is such thing as a balance, where you do your point, you’re always accessible. And you have to prioritize, as you mentioned, like what needs is most urgent and most beneficial needs to be done now.

And sometimes it’s your family, maybe going to, you know, one of your kids events or meeting with teachers or go taking someone to an appointment. And then other times, it’s at work, you know, leading, you know, a conversation on strategy for the next quarter. You know, it just depends. And now that, you know, I found in my own firm similar to you, it brings a whole nother complexity to that. And it’s still work-life integration. But you do find yourself at times having to, you know, get proposals out or having to do some client work. So it’ll be ready for the following week. But to your point, you’ve got to define self-care and ringfence time for yourself. Right?


Dr. Kristy Harvell  16:38

Absolutely. And like, it’s funny, because we know we teach mind-body medicine, and we teach nutrition and diet and lifestyle and meal planning and all the things that go with it. But it is not. It can never be exclusive of coping strategies and you know, time blocking and other things for mind-body balance, and just your mental and spiritual wellness as well. Like you just can’t exclusively handle only your physical body without all those other components being in place. Now you


Karan Rhodes  17:08

sure can’t be sure can at all. And so I’m just curious, that Christy, for you like personally, what is it take for you to be the best leader in your organization? Are there certain things that you do or in a vision interventions or mindsets that you tried to maintain to be at your best as long as you can? And so we all have times when we’re like, Okay, I’m tired. I need a break. But


Dr. Kristy Harvell  17:33

Yes, I don’t necessarily. Absolutely. And that’s just like, what I’m saying is like, I never tell anybody to do something that I haven’t tried or currently do myself. So like, I never give it another hypocrite like I’d never do suggest something that I don’t think is doable, because I recognize like with your audience, too, like we’re all busy, we all feel like our schedules already packed to the gills. And sometimes like when I bring up like, the idea of meal prepping people are like, Yeah, great, that’s good for you. Like, I don’t have time to do it. And I’m like, I promise you, there are ways to do it. Like I’m the efficiency queen.

Like if there is a way to do it in the most efficient least amount of time. But I can, I’ll help you. I’ll figure it out. I’ll you know time block that I’ll write you a procedure. I’ll record your video and show you how I do it here at my house. You know what I mean? But now, because I know that I can’t do what I do to the level that I do it without being well and balanced myself that my husband and I now call those like non negotiables.

There’s just certain aspects of my day, I get up at 5am I thought I would never be able to get up an hour earlier because I was burnt out stressed exhausted brain fatigue. And I was like, well, I need sleep at some point. I know the importance of sleep. But I get up at 5am I go we built like a workout facility in our home. I don’t have to get pretty I don’t have to drive anywhere. I don’t have to talk to people. Go in there and get it done. I have an infrared sauna.

So even on my self care time, I’m still multitasking while I’m in the sauna. I read my daily devotional are now you know, towards the end of the year, we’re getting ready for 2023 kind of writing affirmations and goal setting. Just get myself in the right mindset before you ever even say hello to anybody or talk. Nobody’s awake. Like that’s just my time that I’ve carved out for myself. What I love about that is if I get it over with it’s not running behind my behind the scenes in my brain like okay, when I get home, I’m going to work out okay, maybe after I eat I’m going to workout okay,

I’m just gonna like pound out a couple more emails and then I’ll and I figured out I was spending more energy with this constant self talk dialogue. I got so sick of hearing myself saying the same thing that I was like, I would spend less time if I just worked out


Karan Rhodes  20:02

I love it. And yes, and I just want to listen to Chanel, even if you’re not a morning person, you can switch it up to whatever your natural productive time is because I did something very similar to Dr. Christie, except I do it in the evenings, while actually while my, I’m a night owl, so I sleep later than most, but I am most productive at night. And so I do work out in the morning, but I do bring fins time for thinking and planning. And in the evening, so while everyone is like settling down or going to bed or having that late-night snack, I’m focused, because that’s my productive time. But that works for me. So I say that to say, be self-aware about yourself, and then build into your schedule. What works best for you times resolutely


Dr. Kristy Harvell  20:56

in some audiences, they’re traveling all the time, you know, yeah, we wrote programs. And I’d say that too, like, I’m not, I’m aware of like people live on the road. And so when I’m giving advice about diet and foods and reading labels and all like you can do it on the road, there definitely are ways to do it. Does it add a little extra? Yes, it does. But it still can be done. And I think what’s important for if people are listening in, they’re kind of like already like, okay, like I can’t, I don’t even know where to start. That’s natural, because of all of health and wellness. Like, there’s so much conflicting information out there, you know, like, you read one article, and then the next one conflicts it and you’re like, I don’t know who to listen to whatever. But we wrote programs for busy people. And my word was that it can be sustainable. And the thing to know is that if you haven’t yet started, that’s okay, your conviction, to stay committed to this self-care practice will come with regular exercise of it. Like, that’s why I say like to me and my husband, now we know that we can perform feel good, be alert, and able to bend and shift and pivot with the times, thank God, we had all this in place already, during this whole pandemic time. And we knew the effects of stress, they’re now nonnegotiables. Because I know the contrast of feeling well, and being present and having leftovers for my family and being able to, you know, use my God-given talents and purpose and give back to my community. Like that’s so important to me. And I know I can’t do it if I don’t take care of me first. And so once you feel good, you know, it’s like exercise like it hurts to get started. But once you realize like you’re at your highest performance helps you get rid of stress chemicals in your body, you aren’t as achy and fatigued at the end of the day, you don’t want to let it go because you associate it with a positive. Right?


Karan Rhodes  22:56

That’s true. That is so true. And you’ve given us so many great nuggets, that Kristy but if you can give us just one advice, we tried to add a piece of advice or tip to what we call our leadership playbook. So if there was one piece of advice or tip that you want to make sure that all of our listeners know and follow what would that be?


Dr. Kristy Harvell  23:18

I know I wrote I was writing up these principles to get ready about like I came up with, like 13 principles.


Karan Rhodes  23:24

Oh, wow. Can you share a couple that jumped out for you share a couple?


Dr. Kristy Harvell  23:32

I think that it’s important to pivot, you know, when you use that word a lot yourself, but you become obsolete very quickly in business. If you think you’ve got it all figured out. And you think that what you always did will always work. I mean, the pandemic was the biggest in your face. Like if that wasn’t enough evidence that like you’ve got to be able to bend and twist and pivot with the times. And you know, it’s been interesting for us, like we’ve explored on the business side of things, things I never thought we would ever do. You know, like, we always thought that our practice, for example, was like clinical admin, and like, sure we intermingle and like the clinical job, like definitely relies on the admin to do their stuff and the admin absolutely have to rely on the clinical to see the patients and move things through and make decisions but like there’s some things for example, like inventory that like, I never would have ever thought to have my clinical team involved in inventory. That seems like a complete admin thing. But it’s been beautiful because it’s helped us be efficient. You guys probably are also some of your listeners, depending on the industry dealing with like supply chain and shipping issues and material shortages and everything. Well, our admin wasn’t poised to make decisions about okay, well if this product is no longer available, what’s the next best or how to research you know, another supplements for example, or vitamin that could be used in place maybe from a different vendor And so it’s just that was one example of that pivot and being open to the fact that like, just because and just because nobody in your industry is doing it doesn’t mean that it’s not a better way, like no business management company ever in 20 years of study told me to have your clinical team be involved with your admin, you know, do some admin tasks. Never.


Karan Rhodes  25:26

But you found it out, and you found how beneficial it was right? And kept it. Yeah, I love that. Oh, that’s fantastic. What’s another one on that master for lists you got there,


Dr. Kristy Harvell  25:36

it was fun for me to reflect. Because I think a lot of typing multitasker people like myself probably aren’t really great at like celebrating victories. I’m like a check notes. Right, check it out the to do list, what’s next kind of deal. And so even just preparing for the interview was a good habit in reflection. And so I think that is a really good one. It’s like, it’s easy to get busy and check next kind of a thing. But even for our mental well being like to celebrate wins and victories. It’s important.


Karan Rhodes  26:08

Very important. Very, very important. What I also wanted to ask you, and I do this with all the guests, you know, I wrote a book on leadership execution. And there were out of our research there were sent there were a lot of them. But there were, we came up with the top seven tactics or behaviors that the most successful leaders actually executed. And out of that, I wondered if any of those seven really resonated for you?


Dr. Kristy Harvell  26:35

Yeah, it was, there was a tie between the intellectual horsepower and intrapreneurship. I think that you know, I love the idea of intellectual horsepower, to be able to look around corners, I think there’s a lot of movies that have been like this, that was your superpower that you would see in the future. And there’s kind of a thing, some of them are kind of spooky. You’re right. That’s important to have foresight, and to predict, you know, as things happen, and being able to like, again, into that word, pivot, but to think on your feet, right and quickly be able to change directions and to get your team on board with that, because not every personality style in your organization is the leader, you know, we’re very comfortable with on the fly decisions. Okay, cool. We’re gonna do it this way, making quick decisions that makes some people on your team really uncomfortable. And then the intrapreneurship, like I was saying, just I’m the efficiency queen, because I think it really keeps us mentally clear and prevents all that fog. You know, they say like multitasking, but you’re really multi-failing, you can’t be doing everything at once we’re not, we’re not a computer.


Karan Rhodes  27:49

Contrary to popular belief, we’re not a computer right?


Dr. Kristy Harvell  27:53

Up and even your computer, you know, if you have too many programs open up is less efficient, slows down gets bogged down. And you’re you’re the same way, like you tend to have too many things going on at the same time. And now you’re just not efficient at any of them.


Karan Rhodes  28:08

Yeah, no, you’re so right. You’re so right. I’m gonna ask you, I’m gonna stretch a little bit and ask you a little challenging question. Hopefully not too challenging. But I always say we know a great leader when we experienced one. And we know a bad leader, where we experienced one as well. And it’s on both sides of the house, whether it’s in corporate America, or whether you’re running your own business. And I don’t want you to identify anyone because we want to protect. But I’m just curious if you think if you can think about a time when someone really failed at leadership, or there was a bad leadership effort that you experience. It could be, you know, at a restaurant, it could be within, you know, the client or vendor, what have you. But I’m just curious, what was one of the biggest leadership failures that you’ve experienced?


Dr. Kristy Harvell  28:55

I think it’s when the leader thinks that they’re the only one at the top, or they’re the only one thing that’s great. Like, you know, then I heard you ask one of your other guests like what one other pet peeves was, and this doesn’t necessarily have to you think like entitlement or having disregard for others would be something like maybe somebody an employee of yours might have leaders, very welcome have those same traits, and those are pet peeves of mine, like this regard like why an easy to me, I tell my I’m not a micromanager. I don’t have time to micromanage and they don’t.

Anyway, I mean, if you have people on board that are well trained, and you hired the right people, like, let them go, and one of the, you know, one of the business strategists that I’ve worked with over 20 years that like, don’t inspect until it goes wrong. And so, if things are going well, even if they’re not doing it the exact way you train them or using your exact words or doing it on the Day of the Week that used to justify or whatever, you know, maybe that will help you discover a nuance of a better way to do it. That’s right. You’re so right. And using people for their talents, people are happier when you use them for their true gifts. Yeah. And recognize them for that. It’s a little easier in small businesses because we all have to do a little bit of everything.

Yeah, but that’s the way it is anywhere. We all have to do tasks that maybe we don’t love. That’s just part of being in having a job. Yeah, there’s aspects of it that you love. And then there’s other aspects that will make you feel uncomfortable. But to the best of your abilities, when you can plug the right people in for their skill set, they’re going to thrive because they feel needed and rewarded and that they have some say in the outcome.


Karan Rhodes  30:49

That’s perfect. And to your point, being intentional about at least carving out a bit of space for them to be able to shine is very important as a leader. Yeah,


Dr. Kristy Harvell  30:59



Karan Rhodes  31:00

All right, well done to Christie before we let you go, um, we’ll do our final segment, which is called Full Disclosure. And I promise you, there’s no gotcha questions. Just like to get a few fun facts about yourself to share with the audience as well. And so let me start off by asking you, what is your favorite vacation destination thus far?


Dr. Kristy Harvell  31:23

Oh, that’s easy. That’s St. Lucia, my husband and I got married. And in St. Lucia not and we went back for our five-year anniversary. And then this April will be our 10-year anniversary. And we’ll go


Karan Rhodes  31:37

That’s amazing.


Dr. Kristy Harvell  31:39

Like high-powered business executives, people need a place where you can really feel like you unplug. And that place does it for both of us. It’s not just like my favorite place and my drag him along with me. Like, we both get them get to actually feel unplugged. And so we’d love


Karan Rhodes  31:54

  1. Oh, that’s amazing. Absolutely amazing. Well, thank you for sharing that. What is one of your hobbies? What is one things you’d like to do and your downtime? Do you have any downtime,


Dr. Kristy Harvell  32:08

like working and being productive? Like really? And I’m like, No, I do. We love the outdoors. That’s why we move from cold New York to Florida. We don’t use the beach as often as we thought we would we have a pool here at home. So just relaxing by the pool. Um, Scott and I both golf. So that’s our one like outdoor thing. My dogs. Here we go, walking the dogs and going on trails and that kind of thing when it’s not 1000 degrees and 100% humidity?

Karan Rhodes  32:40

No, I hear you on that. All right. And the last question, is the actually not a question for you. You’re, I’m gonna let you turn the tables on me and asked me one question. It can be anything you’d like? Well, I

Dr. Kristy Harvell  32:55

I just thought it was interesting because you get to talk to all these amazing leaders. And there have obviously been a lot of changes in how we do business over the last couple of years. Of all the people that you’ve interviewed and all the stuff that you research, what has been the biggest change do you think are the most impactful way that somebody’s navigated it?


Karan Rhodes  33:17

As far as the leadership effort? You mean? Yeah. Well, gosh, there’s so many stories, you know, obviously, I could tell one of the things that is top of mind for me right now, it seems like almost all leaders unless you’re an entrepreneur, almost all leaders are really focused on kind of the war for talent, you know, having great either employees or vendors or collaborators, just the war for talent to really have the right skill sets in place to make sure any leadership effort you’re trying to lead is working correctly.

And then that is across industries as across job functions, you name it, and with the global nature of the world of business right now, you find a lot of folks are having to get creative about where they’re finding that talent. And it’s in some not typical sources to be honest with you. You know, there are a lot of organizations are taking another look at former people who are incarcerated if it was something minor, that they just happen to have a few days in, you know, not automatically excellent amount of the pool. A lot of people are also looking at those that are disabled in certain type of ways. Are you looking at their skill sets, we see a lot larger effort around veterans, veterans who are transitioning back into civilian life. So I know it’s a little bit more focused kind of on the people side of business because that’s kind of where I live in breathe.

But I would boil it down to finding the right collaborators, no matter your business, job function, or title, getting the right Strategic supporters around you to get things done. All right. Well, thank you so much, Dr. Christie, for the gift of your time. We’ve had a fantastic time with you on the podcast, we will definitely have a lot of your links to more information and your upcoming webinar in our show notes. But are there any last thoughts that you’d like to share with our audience? Or if you’d like to put a voice behind where they can find you?


Dr. Kristy Harvell  35:26

Yeah, I mean, I’m in Jacksonville, we’re on we’ve got a podcast called Weird works. You know, we’ve got we’re on social media helped by design, Dr. Christy eight, you’ll be able to find us, I just really want people to just shine and be their best version of themselves. This is definitely the self-care and health first, you can’t have wealth without health, at least not for very long. And so I would just encourage the audience to, you know, in the New Year’s coming, put themselves first draw a line in the sand, start implementing some of the practices that we mentioned, or maybe jump on the webinar that we’re gonna share in the notes, there’s ways that you could do it, I promise that it doesn’t have to be a second job.


Karan Rhodes  36:06

That’s right. I love that. All right, superstars. You heard it here, first, prioritize yourself. There’s a lot of help and resources out here for you, you just have to be open to them. And we hope that you’ve enjoyed this episode, please like and share with a friend. We’d love to have more members in our leadership community. We thank you for your time and see you next episode. Take care.

Well, I hope you enjoyed our conversation today with Dr. Christy Harville, CEO of health by design links to her bio her entry into our leadership playbook. And additional resources can be found in the show notes both on your favorite podcast platform of choice, and on our website at lead your game And then for Karen’s take on today’s topic of a holistic approach to your health. Now, as you’re aware, I’m not a medical professional, and I will not attempt to play one here on this podcast. But what I will emphasize is that you always should consider a holistic approach when you’re thinking about the upkeep of your health.

For those who are not familiar, a holistic approach really just means to consider either support or interventions that look at your whole health, and not just a singular area of focus, like not just on your mental or just on your physical or emotional, social or spiritual needs. There is a concept called Integrative Health. And integrative health really brings conventional and complementary approaches together in a coordinated way. And a great resource for you is the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, which is actually a division under the US Department of Health and Human Services. I check them out and they have a fantastic website. And it includes a lot of information like on pain management or symptom management, different nutritional practices, mindfulness and other physical interventions. So we’ll be sure to include the link to the NCC IHS website, in the show notes, so be sure to check it out.

And remember, if you don’t have your health, your quality of life may be negatively impacted. And I for one once you kick it on all cylinders so that you too can lead at the top of your game. Thanks so much for listening you all and see you next week. Bye bye. And that’s our show for today. Thank you for listening to the lead at the top of your game podcast where we help you lead your seat at any employer business or industry in which you choose to play. You can check out the show notes, additional episodes, bonus resources, and also submit guests recommendations on our website at lead your game You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn by searching for the name Karan Rhodes with Karan being spelled k r a n. And if you like the show, the greatest gift you can give would be to subscribe and leave a rating on your podcast platform of choice. This podcast has been a production of shockingly different leadership, a global consultancy which helps organizations execute their people talent development and organizational effectiveness initiatives on an on-demand project or contract basis. Huge thanks to our production and editing team for a job well done so bye for now.

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